Jual tanaman cengkeh Harga Terbaik & Termurah November 2023 | Shopee  Indonesia

The clove plant is a plantation or industrial plant in the form of a tree in the Myrtaceae family. The origin of this clove plant is not clear because there are some opinions that it comes from North Maluku, the Philippine Maluku Islands, and Irian. The clove plant also has many benefits, which are good for body health.

and it can even be used as an ingredient in cooking or drinks. The clove plant is very unique in making food and drinks and is even used as a traditional medicine. The clove plant is also one of the producers of essential oil, which is usually used as a raw material for the pharmaceutical and cooking industries.

A.Clarification of clove plants

Division: Spermatophyta

Subdivision: Angiospermar

Class: Dicotyledoneae

Nation: Myrtales

Family: Myrtaceae

Genus: Syzygium

Species: Syzygium aromaticum L.

Cingkih, or cloves, are aromatic dried flower buds from the Myrtaceae tree family. Cloves are a plant native to Indonesia, widely used as a spice in spicy dishes in European areas, and as the main ingredient in typical Indonesian kretek cigarettes.

B.Morphology of clove plants

The clove plant is a shrub that has a large tree trunk and hard wood. Cloves are able to survive for hundreds of years. The height of this clove plant can reach 20–30 meters. Cloves can have single leaves that are oval to elongated, with a pointed tip. The base is tapered, the edges are flat, and the leaves are pinnate. The upper surface of the leaves is round, and the leaves are green or light brown when they are still old and turn green. Clove seeds, or what are usually called pods, on one stalk usually yield quite a lot of clove seeds, usually reaching 5 kg. Up to 7 kg of clove seeds are usually dried in the sun before being used as medicine or cooking ingredients. They are usually dried in the sun for 3 to 4 days and have a brown color. Clove flower plants usually grow at the ends of twigs covered with leaves, including an unlimited group of compound flowers.

C.Characteristics of clove plants

Cloves have a single leaf that is oval to elongated, the tip is pointed, the base is tapered, the edges are flat, the veins are pinnate, the upper surface of the leaf is shiny, the length of the leaf can reach 6–13.5 cm with a width of 2.5–5 cm, and the color of the leaf is green or light brown.

D.How to Plant Cloves

Prepare the seeds.

Seeds can be harvested directly from the fruit; choose superior seeds, then wash or soak the seeds first in water.

Prepare the planting medium.

Media selection is quite important to support growth, especially at the beginning of the equation.

Clove nursery

After sowing using a small planting medium, focus growth on the root organs.

After sowing using a small planting medium, focus growth on the root organs.

>. Acclimination

This is a crucial moment when the clove plants are transferred to a larger medium. First, prepare the land and place to plant the clove seeds that have grown.

Care of clove plants

This stage needs to be paid attention to because the main threat at this stage can damage and cause the plant to die.

>. Harvest

Clove fruit can be harvested when the tree reaches a height of approximately 10 meters. Its growth depends on environmental and plant conditions. Clove fruit harvest can take up to 6 years.

E.Benefits of Clove Plants

1.Bone strengthener

In cloves, there are extra hydrocarbons, which include phenolic compounds such as eugenol and its derivatives. Where extra hydrocarbon derivatives such as flavones, isoflavones, and flavonoids

2.Antidote for stomach ulcers

The content of clove oil is efficacious for the production of gastric mucus, and the use of cloves can function as a barrier to the effects of stomach acid.

3.Stress antidote

The aroma of boiled clove water has the effect of calming those who inhale it. You can reduce stress by inhaling the aroma of boiled cloves.

4.Reduces acne growth

Clove-boiled water can reduce the growth of acne on our faces. Clove-boiled water is very good for faces that have acne or breakouts.

5.Breath freshener

The aroma of boiled cloves can also be used as a breath freshener and is even very good for our uncontrolled breath or shortness of breath.


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