Turmeric is a type of medicinal plant that has many benefits and is found in many parts of Indonesia. Turmeric is a type of grass about 1 meter high, and the flowers emerge from the top of the false stem with a length of about 10–15 cm and a white color. The root tuber is dark in color and smells good. The aromatic fragrance comes from the rhizomes inside the plant.


In the growing taxonomy, turmeric is grouped as follows:

Kingdom          : Plantae

Division            : Spermatophyta

Sub-division    : Angiosperms

Class                  : Monocotyledonae

Order                 : Zingiberaceae

Genus                : Curcuma

Species              : Curcuma domestica val


1). stick

Turmeric has a false stem, which is composed of petals or leaf blades that cover each other. Turmeric stems are wet because they store water well.

2) Leaves

Turmeric leaves are oval and elongated, with a rather large surface.


Turmeric flowers are white or light yellow in the shape of a pointed cone with a white base. Each flower has three petals, three stamens, and four stamens.

4) Rhizome

The rhizome is elliptical and forms rhizome branches in the form of stems that are in the ground.

5) Chemical compound content

The chemical compounds contained in turmeric are curcuminoids or dyes, which are 2.5–6%.


  1. Helps increase body endurance

Yellow turmeric contains various anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial compounds, so it can help the body’s immune system.

2.Relieves pain during menstruation

Turmeric contains curcumin, which can help reduce contractions in the uterine muscles during menstruation. Curcumin can help reduce the risk of menstruation and the appearance of acne on the face.

3.Relieves itching on the skin

Turmeric can help relieve itchy skin due to certain medical conditions, for example, atopic dermatitis (eczema).

4.Helps overcome digestive system disorders

Turmeric can also help relieve dyspepsia and minimize the risk of stomach ulcers, or it can help relieve flatulence.

5.Helps lose weight

Turmeric also contains compounds that are anti-inflammatory, which can suppress the inflammatory response in body cells that is triggered by obesity.

6.Minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory content of turmeric can help reduce the symptoms of obstructive lung disease.

7.Helps control blood sugar

Consuming turmeric in moderation can help control blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers.

8.Maintains brain function

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can cause inflammation in the brain, improve memory, and treat Alzheimer’s disease.

9.Reduces symptoms of depression

Turmeric is also able to increase the production of the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which function to regulate mood.

10.Raises the risk of cancer

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can help inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.

  1. How to Consume Turmeric

Turmeric can be consumed in the form of herbal drinks or used as a cooking spice. If you want to process it into an herbal drink, it is recommended to add several natural ingredients, for example, honey, lemon, lime, ginger, and coconut oil. The following is one example:

  1. How to consume turmeric to treat stomach acid

Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture half an hour before eating while it is still warm to help reduce symptoms of stomach acid.

  1. How to consume turmeric to get rid of black spots on the face

Mix turmeric powder with plain or unflavored yogurt, then mix thoroughly. Apply the turmeric mask to your facial skin and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.

  1. Turmeric conclusion

From the results of research carried out on the rhizomes of temulawak and turmeric, it can be concluded that the extra infusion of medicinal plants contains total antioxidants and total phenolics. The total antioxidant and phenolic content in the extracts of ginger rhizomes

  1. Saran

It is recommended for further research, namely

  1. To test the antioxidant content using other methods on samples.
  2. To determine other chemical compounds contained in the sample, one of them is HPLC.

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