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Cardamom is a spice plant that has quite a high economic value. It has many benefits, including being an ingredient in medicines and flavoring foods and drinks. The type of cardamom plant that is widely grown in Indonesia is Javanese cardamom. The color of the fruit is red and round in shape. Cultivation of cardamom is relatively easy and does not require special land because it can grow well under stands of perennial plants or can also be planted as an intercrop. In fact, cardamom does not require much maintenance, but it should still be fertilized regularly. As for the fertilizer used, you can use it. organic and non-organic fertilizers.

A.Classification of cardamom plants

Kingdom            : Plantae

Division             :Marnoliopyta

Class                  : Liliopsida

Order                 : Zingiberales

Family               :Zingiberaceae

Genus                : Amomum

Species              : A. Cardamomum

B.Morphology of cardamom plants

Cardamom has characteristics that can distinguish it from other plants. Cardamom roots are rhizome roots that are yellowish white in color, have an elongated round shape, and have sympodial branches, like ginger plants. The stems of cardamom plants are false and separate, with a stem diameter of around 2.5 cm. The stem of this plant also has 20–30 clusters of stems that grow from roots below the surface of the soil. This plant is dark green and can grow upright up to 3 meters. The stem of the cardamom plant itself also includes wet stems with leaf sheaths, which can be wrapped around each stem. The leaves of this cardamom plant are a dark green.

The leaves of this cardamom plant are dark green in color, they are single leaves and have a lanceolate shape. These leaves are pointed at the base, with a length of 25–35 cm with a leaf width of 3–10 cm. The flowers of the cardamom plant are arranged in bunches found in each room of the cardamom stalk. The cardamom flower itself is a white tuber with brown stripes with dull colored protective leaves. The fruit on the cardamom plant is round, reddish-white in color and spreads along the branching stem. This fruit also has 3 chambers separated by a thin membrane like paper, and each chamber contains 14-16 small seeds. Cardamom seeds have folds on the outside which are protected by a thin membrane. The seeds of the cardamom plant are brown or black in color and emit a distinctive fragrant aroma.

C.Benefits of Cardamom Plants

The benefits of cardamom plants include the following:

1.Helps lower blood pressure

Cardamom has antioxidant properties that can lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect.

2.Protects the body from chronic diseases

The antioxidants in cardamom are believed to be able to protect the body from damage and stop inflammation.

3.Treating infection problems

Cardamom has antibacterial effects that can treat infections. Cardamom extract and essential oils have compounds that can fight several types of bacteria.

4.Overcoming digestive problems

The essential oil content in cardamom can overcome digestive problems, for example, stomach aches, nausea, difficulty defecating, and other digestive disorders.

5.Maintain oral and dental health.

Extracts from cardamom seeds can help maintain oral health, preventing problems such as bad breath, gum disease, and cavities. This is because cardamom has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

D.How to process and store cardamom

The following are several recommended methods for processing and storing cardamom.

  1. Crush the cardamom seeds before using them in cooking. Cardamom seeds should be crushed to maximize the aroma and taste. You can use a pestle or spice grinder to crush them as needed.
  2. Storing whole cardamom seeds If you buy cardamom in whole seed form, the cardamom should be stored in a dry and cool place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight to maintain its quality.
  3. Storing cardamom powder Cardamom that has been ground into powder is more susceptible to losing its aroma, so it is best to store it in an airtight container in a dry and cool place.
  4. Drying cardamom If you have fresh cardamom, the drying process can be done by drying it in the sun until it is completely dry. Cardamom that has been dried has a longer shelf life.
  5. Avoid contact with water. Cardamom, whether in fresh or dry form, should be kept away from contact with water. Humidity can reduce the quality and durability of cardamom.

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