Budidaya Tanaman Kopi Lampung - AKL Coffee

Coffee plants are one of the most famous drinks among the public. Coffee is popular because it has a distinctive taste and aroma. Coffee plants are a number of tree-shaped plants, some of which are the basic ingredients for making refreshing coffee drinks.

A.Characteristics of coffee plants

1.) Java estate

The taste of coffee in the mouth feels thick (medium body), fragrant like chocolate, nuts, and herbs, with an acidity level that is not too high.

2). Bali Kintamin

The taste of coffee in the mouth feels light and not thick (light body);

The taste tends to be thin, with an aroma like nuts and orange peel and a medium (quite high) acidity level.

3). Sumatra mandaling

The taste of coffee in the mouth is strong, thick, and intense (full body), with a classic, earthy, tobacco aroma with a low acidity level.

4). Toraja Kalosi

Elsa coffee has a medium mouthfeel (medium body) with a sweet chocolate aroma like caramel and herbal growth with a medium (quite high) acidity level.

5). Aceh gayo

The taste of coffee in the mouth is medium (medium body) with an earthy aroma and fragrant spices with an acidity level that is not too high.

6). Wamena Papua

The mouthfeel of the coffee is medium (medium body), with a fruity aroma and an acidity level that is not too high.1

1.Coffee Content

Coffee is known as the best drink because it has high levels of caffeine. Caffeine is a metixanthine-alkaloid compound that is in the form of white crystals and is psychoactive. Caffeine in coffee is known to have benefits when consumed by humans, but it also has bad effects on the body if consumed in the body. Certain levels of caffeine are quite high. Arabica coffee is one type of coffee that is widely cultivated in South Sulawesi province. Arabica coffee is a fruit plant that has a certain harvest and ripening time. Arabica coffee is usually green when it is young, slightly yellowish or slightly reddish when it is half old, and bright red to dark red when it is ripe. The maturity level of Arabica coffee berries affects the content of chemical compounds in coffee beans, especially caffeine. Caffeine levels in coffee beans differ depending on the level of maturity when the coffee berries are harvested.

1.Benefits of Coffee Plants

2.The benefits of coffee can reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer is one of the main causes of death in the world. Cancer symptoms are characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in the body. The benefits of coffee are claimed to reduce the risk of liver cancer and colorectal cancer, showing that coffee drinkers have a 40% lower risk of liver cancer.

3.Maintain brain health.

Coffee has various positive effects on the brain, including helping concentration, increasing alertness, improving mood, and thereby reducing the risk of depression.

4.Maintain liver health.

Diseases that can attack the liver include hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, and liver cancer. Routinely consuming two or three cups of coffee a day can help you reduce your risk of developing these diseases.

5.Reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that can interfere with the body’s ability to control movement and balance.

6.Maintain an ideal body weight.

Coffee can also help you lose weight and keep your body ideal. The way to consume it is by drinking coffee without sugar.

A healthy way to drink coffee

  1. Avoid coffee in the afternoon.
  2. Don’t mix coffee with sugar.
  3. Choose quality coffee beans.
  4. Use natural sweeteners.
  5. Mix the spices.
  6. Drink enough coffee.
  7. Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.
  8. Mix coffee using filter paper.
  9. Drink coffee without milk or choose milk alternatives.
  10. Try cold-brew coffee.
  11. Stop consuming when uncomfortable.
  12. Maintain body fluid intake.

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