10 Manfaat Jahe untuk Kesehatan, Dapat Meredakan Mual!


The ginger plant is a plant whose rhizome is often used as a spice and raw material for traditional medicine. The rhizome is in the shape of fingers that bulge in the middle segments. The dominant spicy taste that is felt from ginger is caused by the compounds katon and zingerone.

Basically, what the three types of ginger contain are the same: carbohydrates, fiber, protein, minerals such as iron and potassium, and vitamins such as vitamin C. Ginger has been proven to be able to inhibit oxidative stress and has anti-inflammatory properties, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In fact, ginger can reduce atherosclerosis, namely the buildup of dangerous fat in the arteries.

A.Benefits of Ginger for Health

1.Anti-aging and anti-cance

The benefit of ginger is that it has antioxidant properties that work by controlling the aging process. Apart from that, there are also antimicrobial substances that can help overcome dangerous health problems, such as cancer.

2.Relieves pain during menstruation

If you consume a lot of boiled ginger water, it can help relieve menstrual pain. The properties of this ginger plant are not much different from those of ibuprofen and mefenamic acid.

3.Relieves morning sickness

Ginger spice can also offer benefits for relieving symptoms of morning sickness in early pregnancy. You can also get this by consuming extracts from the plant’s roots.

4.Strengthens the immune system

Ginger can also strengthen the immune system thanks to its vitamin C and magnesium content. These two ingredients work by helping strengthen the body’s immune system. Apart from that, ginger also contains zingeron shogaol and gingerool, which function as antioxidants.

5.Prevents bacterial and viral infections.

Ginger also helps the body ward off certain bacterial and viral infections. This benefit is thanks to the gingerol content, which works by inhibiting bacterial infections such as Shigella, E. coli, and others.

6.Relieves muscle pain

Ginger has been proven to relieve muscle pain; therefore, consuming lots of ginger decoctions will reduce muscle and joint pain.

B.Morphology of ginger plants

Ginger usually survives in tropical areas; planting is only done in equatorial regions such as Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. Ginger stems are false stems with a height of 30 to 100 cm. The roots are in the form of rhizomes with yellow to reddish root flesh with a pungent odor. The leaves are pinnate, with a length of 15 to 23 cm and 8 to 15 mm long, with fine, hairy leaf stalks. Ginger flowers grow from the ground in an ovoid shape with a length of 3.5 to 5 cm and a width of 1.5 to 1.75 cm. The scaly flower stalks consist of 5 to 7 yellowish-green flowers, flower buds, and heads with 2 purple pistils.

Indonesia is famous for being rich in spices, one of which is ginger. This makes it very easy for us to find various recipes or dishes that use ginger as a spice or main ingredient. Ginger is often associated with Asian cuisine and is usually used in various dishes and even drinks because it tastes very good. spicy. Ginger can be made into a drink by simply soaking one or more pieces of fresh, crushed ginger in a cup of hot water for three to five minutes. As a drink, ginger is known for its ability to soothe indigestion, reduce gas, cramps, and especially nausea. Ginger is also one of the spices used in cooking. Ginger functions as a food flavoring to stimulate the appetite. Fresh old ginger is usually used for soupy dishes, especially seafood, to remove the rancid smell. Powdered ginger can also be used to add aroma to cakes and syrup biscuits. as well as a mixture of spice powders to make food tastier and have a stronger, distinctive aroma.

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