Cardamom is a spice plant that has quite a high economic value. It has many benefits, including being an ingredient in medicines and flavoring foods and drinks. The type of cardamom plant that is widely grown in Indonesia is Javanese cardamom. The color of the fruit is red and round in shape. Cultivation of …

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Cardamom Plant and Its Benefits

  Cardamom is one type that is often used as a spice or seasoning in certain dishes and is also often used as an ingredient in mushroom mixtures. There are actually two types of cardamom that are widely used in Indonesia, namely Javanese cardamom and Sabrang cardamom, also known as Indian cardamom. Cardamom is a …

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This plant, with the Latin name Amomum cardamomum L., is a shrub with a height of up to three meters. The leaves have a pointed tip and are about 25–35 cm long and 10–12 cm wide. There are two types of cardamom plants that are often found, namely red cardamom and white cardamom. A.The systematics …

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