Cardamom Plant and Its Benefits


Cardamom is one type that is often used as a spice or seasoning in certain dishes and is also often used as an ingredient in mushroom mixtures. There are actually two types of cardamom that are widely used in Indonesia, namely Javanese cardamom and Sabrang cardamom, also known as Indian cardamom. Cardamom is a plant that has soft stems and is not shaped like wood. This plant has a distinctive aroma in every part and can grow up to 2 meters.

This plant grows creeping underground, has a slightly rounded shape, and has a yellowish-white color. It is covered with scales; the stems are separated, and it can grow upright up to 2m. Cardamom is a beautiful plant and is endemic to the hilly areas around Java. West, cardamom is planted and may grow wild.


A.Classification of cardamom plants

Kingdom              : Plantae

Subkingdom        : Spermatophyta

Division               : Marnoliophyta

Class                    : Liliopsida

Subclass             : Commelinidae

Order                  : Zingiberales

Family                : Zingiberaceae

Genus                 : Amomum

Species               : Amomum compactum soland

B.Morphology of clove plants

Cardamom is a plant with a height of 1.5 meters and has single leaves that are spread out, lanceolate in shape, pointed at the tip with flat edges, pointed base leaves, pinnate spines, and green in color. The cardamom stem is called pseudo because it is covered in green leaf blades with a round stem shape. grows upright, 1-3 meters high; the stems grow from rhizomes below the soil surface; one cluster can reach 20–30 false stems; the old stems will die and be replaced by young stems that grow from other rhizomes.

Cardamom, or kapol, is included in the Zingiberaceae family. Cardamom is a plant native to Indonesia and the largest in Java. Cardamom grows in primary forests and teak forests. Cardamoms can reproduce generatively by seed or vegetatively with saplings, also known as plant snags.

1.Cardamom content

Distilled cardamom fruit contains essential oils with the compositions of seneol, terpinoel, and borneol. The cineol content in cardamom fruit is approximately 12%. Cardamom seeds contain 3-7% essential oil, which consists of beta-camphor, alpha-borneol, terpinoel, and terpinyl acetate.

2.Benefits of cardamom plants

There are several benefits of the cardamom plant contained in this spice, which might be used for some of the diseases we suffer from. However, we don’t think everyone knows and understands what benefits we can get from consuming this spice.

3.Lower blood pressure

The first benefit is that it can also be used to lower the blood pressure of people suffering from hypertension. This is one of the benefits contained in this spice originating from India. Many medicines include this spice because it has the property of keeping blood pressure stable.

4.It helps reduce the risk of cancer cells.

Compounds in cardamom help fight cancer cells. Research on human cancer cells and cardamom shows that certain compounds in the spice cardamom can stop oral cancer cells in the reaction tube from multiplying.

5.Helps with digestive problems and ulcers

Cardamom turns out to have an effect on digestive problems; cardamom is often used as an additional ingredient to relieve discomfort. The benefits of cardamom are that it can relieve stomach problems and speed up healing.

Cardamom can also treat boils. Cardamom can also be used as a medicine to treat skin problems because it is antibacterial.

6.Treating infections

Cardamom essential oil can fight salmonella bacteria that cause food poisoning and campylobacter that contribute to stomach inflammation.

7.Helps maintain liver health

The cardamom plant can maintain liver health. It was found that those who consumed cardamom had better liver health compared to those who consumed placebo.

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