CAYALE PLANTS (Capsicun frutescens L.)

Teknik Budidaya Cabai Rawit | Dinas Pertanian Mesuji

Cayenne Pepper Plant

Cayenne pepper is a fruit and plant belonging to the Capsicun genus that grows upwards. The color of the fruit is small green when young and dark red when cooked. Chili contains a chemical compound called capsaicin. The compound content in the form of capsaicin is what will make your hands or stomach feel hot and burning.

The cayenne pepper plant (Capsicum frutescens L.) is included in the eggplant family and is classified as an annual or short-lived plant. The cayenne pepper plant is a type of paru plant that has wood, branches, and grows upright. The habitat of the cayenne pepper plant is in the highlands and lowlands.

Cayenne pepper fruit changes color from green to red when ripe. Even though its size is smaller than other chili varieties, it is considered quite spicy because its spiciness reaches 50,000–100,000 on the Scoville scale. Cayenne peppers are usually sold in markets along with other chili varieties.

 Classification of Cayenne Pepper Plants

Division              : Spermatophyta (seed plants)

Subdivision        : Angiosperms (seeds in fruit)

Class                    : Dicotyledoneae (seeds in two parts or split seeds)

Order (nation)   : Corolorefia

Family (tribe)    : Solanaceae

Genus (genus)   : Capsium

Species                : Capsium frusteseens L.

Cayenne peppers are included in the group of vegetable plants. Cayenne peppers can grow both in the highlands and in the lowlands. Planting cayenne peppers can provide quite high economic value if we work hard. One hectare of cayenne pepper plants can produce 8 tons of chili fruit. cayenne pepper because we can cultivate cayenne pepper plants for two to two and a half years during the planting season.

Description of the Cayenne Pepper Plant

The cayenne pepper plant is a shrub plant and a type of seasonal plant. The height of this plant reaches 50–100 cm. This plant has branches and twigs that are full of fruit and flowers. The fruit production of this plant is very dependent on the number of branches and twigs. This means that the more branches and twigs there are, the more fruit there will be.

The flowers on the cayenne pepper plant are hanging on each branch of the twig. They have 4-6 flower petals with a flower length of approximately 1–1.5 cm and a stalk length of around 0.5 cm. Meanwhile, the cayenne pepper fruit itself is oval in shape with a pointed tip; its size varies; some are large and some are small. Young cayenne pepper fruit is generally not too spicy, but when it is old or ripe, the taste will change to very spicy. The color of chilies when they are young is usually light green and will change color to red.

Morphology of Cayenne Pepper Plants


The stem of the cayenne pepper plant has a hard and woody texture, is round, dark green, smooth, and has many branches. The main stem of the plant grows upright and strong. Plant branches are formed after the plant stem reaches a height of around 30-45 cm. The branches of the cayenne pepper plant are segmented; each segment grows leaves and shoots (branches).


The leaves of the cayenne pepper plant are oval in shape; the tip is pointed, and the leaf edge is flat (not serrated). The size of cayenne pepper leaves is smaller than the leaves of cayenne pepper plants; they are single leaves with a slightly horizontal position, pinnate leaf bones, and a single stalk attached to the stem or branch.


Chili flowers are complete flowers consisting of petals, flower crowns, stamens, and pistils. Chili flowers are also androgynous flowers because the stamens and pistils are found on one stalk, and the chili flowers emerge from the leaf axils.

4. pieces

Cayenne pepper plants will bear fruit after pollination. Cayenne pepper fruit is round in shape with a sharp tip or cone-shaped. Cayenne pepper fruit is up to 3.5 cm long and up to 12 mm wide.


Cayenne pepper seeds are yellowish white, round and flat, arranged in groups (clumps), and attached to each other by the pith. The roots of cayenne pepper plants consist of tapang roots that grow straight to the center of the earth, fibrous roots that grow straight to the center of the earth, and fiber roots that grow spread out to the sides.


The chili root is a strong tap root that branches to the sides to form fibrous roots. The fibrous roots can penetrate the soil to a depth of 50 cm and laterally as wide as 45 cm.

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