Cayenne pepper (Capsicun frutescens) is a fruit and plant belonging to the genus Capsicum whose fruit grows upwards. The color of the fruit is small green when young, and when it is ripe, it is dark red. When you press it, the fruit feels hard because there are so many seeds. This chili is difficult to separate from street snacks, namely fried foods that are usually eaten with raw young bird’s eye chilies.

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Regnum          :plantrum

Division          : Magnoliophyta

Class               : Magnoliopsida

Order              : Solanales

Family            : Solanacease

Geus               : Capsicum

Species           : Cafcisum frutescens


seasonal plant. This plant reaches a height of 50–100 cm. This plant has branches and twigs that are full of fruit and flowers. The production of this plant really depends on the number of branches and twigs, meaning that the more branches and twigs there are, the more fruit there will be. The roots of the cayenne pepper plant include fibrous roots that have many branches on the ground surface. The roots of this plant can only penetrate shallow soil, which is estimated to only be able to penetrate a soil depth of around 25–40 cm. The leaves on this plant are oval in shape with pointed tips and pinnate veins, about 4–8 cm long and about 2-4 cm wide.

The flowers on the cayenne pepper plant circulate between each branch in a hanging state. has 4-6 flower petals with a flower length of approximately 1-1.5 cm, a width of around 0.5 cm, and a stalk length of around 0.5 cm. Meanwhile, the cayenne pepper fruit itself is oval with a pointed tip. The sizes vary; some are large, and some are small. Young cayenne peppers are generally not too spicy, but when they are old or ripe, the taste will turn very spicy.

The systematics of cayenne pepper plants can be classified as follows:

Kingdom          : Plantae

Division           : Magnoliophyta

Class                : Dicotyledonae/Magnoliopsida

Order               : Solanales

Family             : Solanaceae

Genus              : Capsicum

Species            : Capsicum frutencens L.

The condition for growing cayenne pepper plants is that they can grow well at heights 1–1,500 m above sea level and grow optimally in areas with a temperature range of 25–320 °C. Cayenne pepper plants can grow well in fertile, loose soil, free from nematodes and bacterial wilt, with a pH of 5.5–6.5 and enough water. Chilies are planted in an open, unshaded place in order to obtain optimal production. The most ideal chilies are planted with The intensity of sunlight between 60% and 70%, while the length of exposure is The most ideal time for chili plant growth is 10–12 hours.

C.Organic agriculture

Organic farming can be interpreted as an agricultural cultivation system that does not use synthetic chemicals as fertilizers and pesticides but instead uses recycled natural materials. Agriculture Organic has the following objectives: cultivating plants naturally, maintaining and increasing long-term soil fertility, maintaining environmental balance by maintaining its natural cycles, avoiding all forms of contamination from farming techniques, and producing healthy products (Sa’adah et al., 2015). Methods and technologies used in organic agriculture are easier for farmers to understand. Factors required in the process Organic farming is easily accessible to farmers and available at any time. Organic agriculture contains the principle of maintaining the environmental ecosystem, from the application of fertilizer to pest control, cultivation techniques, and continuous processing of harvests related to the natural environment.

D.Organic fertilizer

Fertilizer is a material added to the soil to provide essential nutrients for plant growth. Based on The main components that make up fertilizer are divided into two types, namely organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is composed of living creature material that is processed through the process of decay by bacteria decomposers, such as the weathering of plant, animal, and human remains (Sentana, 2010). Organic fertilizer has various benefits, including containing elements (macrophages and micronutrients) that play a role in the growth and production process of plants, increasing soil fertility and restoring soil fertility that has been lost due to the use of chemical fertilizers, not causing residue on harvest results so that they are safe for humans and the environment, and preventing erosion. The top layer of soil is the layer that contains the most nutrients. Lots .

F.Liquid organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is a complete compound fertilizer because it contains more than one nutrient. Based on its physical form, organic fertilizer is divided into two categories: solid organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer. Fertilizer Liquid organic fertilizer is a solution resulting from the decomposition of organic materials. It comes from plant residues, animal waste, and humans and contains more than one liquid organic fertilizer. Other than being used as fertilizer, it can also be used as compost and an organic pesticide for plants. Liquid organic fertilizer has more advantages than solid organic fertilizer, namely that liquid organic fertilizer is easier to apply, as well as the nutrients in the fertilizer. Liquid organics are more easily absorbed by plants because they already contain the elements that decompose, improving the quality of crop products and reducing the use of inorganic fertilizer. There are liquid organic fertilizers made from fermented animal waste, such as rabbit and cow urine; there are also some processed with factory machines, such as Bio Extreme and Biofarm. Rabbit urine can be used as a liquid organic fertilizer beneficial for plants. Use of rabbit urine as liquid organic fertilizer Apart from being useful for increasing soil fertility, it can also reduce costs in farming activities and even increase the farmer’s income. Rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer has higher nitrogen levels compared to the urine of other livestock. Urine macronutrient content rabbits, namely N 1.20–1.90%, P 0.29–0.55%, and K 0.44–1.67%. This content is higher compared to the urine of other livestock, such as cows, goats, sheep, horses, and pigs. Besides being able to improve soil structure, rabbit urine organic fertilizer is also useful for plant growth, herbicides, and can control pests and diseases, repel rodents, grasshoppers, and other annoying small insects. Rabbit urine contains the growth regulator auxin, which will help plant growth optimally. Cow urine is one of the organic wastes that has the potential to be used as liquid organic fertilizer (POC). Cow urine organic fertilizer is one of the alternatives to increase the availability, adequacy, and efficiency of nutrient uptake for plants that contain microorganisms so that it can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers and increase plant yields to the maximum. The macronutrient (NPK) content in cow urine is N 0.52%, P 0.01%, and K 0.56%. Cow urine also contains auxia substances contained in forage that are not digested in the body of cows and ultimately are wasted with cow urine. Bio-extreme liquid organic fertilizer is a liquid biological organic fertilizer that contains complete nutrition, both macro- and micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins, plant growth hormones (such as auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, and abscisic acid), and organic pesticides. Elemental content The NPK nutrients in this fertilizer are N 0.22%, P2O5 0.35%, and K2O 0.11%. Fertilizer Bio-extreme liquid organic contains microorganisms such as Rhizobium sp., Azosprillum sp., and Azotobacter sp. (Sagala, 2011). These bacteria are N2-fixing bacteria that live freely in the root area and plant tissue. Utilization of N2 fixation bacteria, whether applied through the soil or sprayed on plants, can increase the efficiency of N fertilization. The use of N2 fixation bacteria has the potential to reduce the need for synthetic N fertilizer and increase bio-extreme crop production. also contains phosphate-solubilizing bacteria such as Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. The role of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms in the soil is to help dissolve them. P, which is generally in insoluble form, becomes soluble so that it can be used by plants.

Biofarm liquid organic fertilizer is fertilizer made from the production by-products of herbal medicine made from medicinal plants and spices. Biofarm also contains macro- and micronutrients, beneficial microorganisms, growth hormones, amino acids, humic acid, fulphic acid, bioprotectants, and Unique Growth Factor (UGF). The NPK nutrient content in Biofarm is N 0.16%, P 0.37%, and K 0.2%. Biofarms contain several microorganisms, such as N-binding Azotobacter sp., Azosprillium sp., phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Lactobacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Cellulolytic sp. (Arlingga, 2014). Biofarm plays a role in improving the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, providing essential nutrients for plants, stimulating growth and increasing energy resistance to pest and disease attacks, and increasing microbiological activity in soil so that the nutrient absorption process is more efficient.

Each liquid organic fertilizer (POC) has an influence on the growth and production of cultivated plants, as evidenced in several studies that have been carried out. The results showed that rabbit urine gave the best results in tomato plant height due to fertilizer. Rabbit urine contains more nitrogen elements compared to goat urine and cow urine fertilizer. Rabbit urine fertilizer also provides the best quantity and fruit weight compared with the control treatment, cow and goat urine, because rabbit urine contains N = 2.72%, P = 1.1%, and K = 0.55%, which is higher compared to the urine of other livestock animals.

Providing Bio Extreme liquid organic fertilizer has a real effect on potato tuber weight. The content of macronutrients and micronutrients contained in bio-extreme fertilizer produces complex effects on the formation and production of carbohydrates (Nurhayati, 2012). Fertilizer Bio extreme organic liquid has a significant effect on the height of cocoa seedlings, especially at the age of 12 weeks after transplanting (MSPT) (Sagala et al., 2011). Results of a study on soybean plants treated with biofertilizer extreme show that biofertilizer extreme can increase plant height and the number of pods.


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