Cabe Kriting Laba F1 –

The red chili plant is an herbaceous plant from the eggplant family. Chilies originate from the American continent, specifically Peru, and spread to the countries of the American continent, Europe, and Asia, including Indonesia. Curly red chilies are a seasonal, woody plant that grows in tropical climates. Plants: They can grow and reproduce in the highlands and lowlands. Almost all types of plants that are suitable for cultivating agricultural crops are also suitable for curly chili plants. To get high quality and high yields, curly red chilies are suitable for fertile, loose, rich soil. will be organic, not easily muddy, and free of worms and soil-borne diseases.

Curly chili is a plant that is included in food processing. Red curly chili contains a chemical compound called capsaicin. Apart from that, it also contains various compounds that are similar to capsaicin, which are called capsaicinoids. The chili fruit is a fruit with lace-shaped lines, is bright red, and has a spicy taste. The flesh of the fruit is in pieces, not juicy; there are many seeds, and they are located in the fruit chamber.

A. Classification of curly red chili plants

Divided into: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnolipsida

Order: Solanales

Family: Solanaceae

Genus: Capsicum

In general, chilies contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins, including calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins A and B1, and vitamin C. Red chili plants are one of the horticultural commodities that are classified as annual plants.

B. Morphology of red chili plants

In general, the growth of red chili plants goes through two phases, namely the vegetative phase and the generative phase. The vegetative period ranges from 0 to 40 days after planting (DAT). In the vegetative period, growth tends to lead to stem and root development, while in the generative period, it takes place 40–5 days after planting until the plant stops bearing fruit. In the generative phase, it tends to be used for flowering, fruiting, fruit filling, fruit development, and fruit ripening.

The leaves of the chili plant vary according to the species and variety. The chili leaf is a single leaf with ovate or lancolate-shaped strands, appearing on side shoots that grow sequentially on the main stem of the chili leaves in an agromedia spiral arrangement. The chili leaves are elongated ovals with a tapered tip, or what is termed oblongus acutus, pinnate-shaped leaf veins equipped with leaf veins. The upper surface of the leaf is dark green, while the surface is light green or bright green. The chili plant has an elongated cone shape, straight, curved, and tapered at the hanging end, a smooth, shiny surface, a diameter of 1-2cm, a length of 4–17 cm, and a short stem. The taste is spicy, and the formation of this fruit begins at the age of the plant (29–40 HST), and the fruit will mature within a short time. 34–40 days after fertilization.

C. Benefits of red curly chili plants

1. Maintain body endurance.

Chilies can help maintain the body’s immune system because they contain vitamin C. The benefits of vitamin C include protecting body cells from the threat of free radicals. Vitamin C also functions to strengthen the body’s immunity in extreme weather.

2.Eye health

Not only are curly chili carrots also good for health, but as you get older, your eye health will decline.

3. Increase appetite

Capsaicin in the most delicious chilies also plays a role in helping stimulate appetite. Capsaicin is able to stimulate the production of endorphin hormones in the body so that it can generate feelings of happiness and pleasure.

4. Warming up the body

When you are cold due to the weather or an unhealthy body condition, it is recommended to consume foods that contain chilies.

5. Relieve headaches and joint pain.

Curly chilies are also efficacious in alleviating symptoms of headaches and joint pain. The capsaicin substance in chilies can block pain signals from the nervous system to the brain.

6. Increase sexual desire.

Red chilies are effective in heating things up because the endorphins they produce are very, very good for sex.

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