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                    (image of cayenne pepper plant)

Gendot chili is a species of Capsicum chili. This chili comes from the Yucatan Peninsula. This chili is very hot, even more than cayenne pepper. This Gendot chili is grown in the Highlands, where it is quite hot. This chili can be used for health purposes or as a food ingredient.

A. Benefits of hot chilies

      1. Increase metabolism, which can increase the body’s metabolism and help burn calories more efficiently.
      2. Immune strengthening by containing vitamin C in gendot chilies plays a role in improving the immune system and protecting the body from infection.
      3. Natural anti-implantation has properties that can help relieve inflammation and the symptoms of some conditions, such as arthritis.
      4. improves blood circulation, which contributes to better heart health.
      5. Weight management because it contains capsaicin and its thermogenic effect, thus helping weight management by increasing satiety and burning calories.
      6. Reduces pain. Capsaicin is also used in topical ointments to relieve pain, such as muscle and joint pain.
      7. Supporting digestive tract health can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and help reduce digestive disorders.
      8. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
      9. . Mood boosters can stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones that improve mood and reduce stress.
      10. A source of antioxidants that help protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals Provides significant health benefits. It is important to consume it wisely, especially if you are not used to the strong, spicy taste. You can add fat chilies to some dishes to get the nutritional benefits and health they offer.

    B. Morphology of fat chiliesThe gendot chili plant is divided into roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit, an important part of the main product.

    1. Root Gendot chili roots have quite complicated roots and only consist of fibrous roots. Usually on the roots, there are nodules, which are the result of symbiosis with several microorganisms. Even though they do not have a tap root, there are several roots growing downward that function as pseudo-tap roots.
    2. Stem chili plants are pardu plants with non-woody stems. Usually, the stems will grow to a certain height and then form a kind of branch.
    3. Flower: The flowers of chili plants also vary but have the same shape, namely star-shaped. This shows that chili plants belong to the Atiridae subclass. Flowers usually grow in the leaf axils singly or in clusters.
    4. Fruit and seeds The chili fruit is the most widely known part of the chili plant and has many variations. Chili fruit usually produces a lot of fruit.

    Summary of Planting Chili Peppers

    This fat chili grows in very hot weather; just like other chilies, gendot chilies grow well in areas with hot sun and soil with a pH level of around 5–6. This fat chili is a perennial flowering plant, meaning that with proper handling and growing conditions, it will produce flowers for a long time. Gendot chili bushes are a good candidate for a container garden. Even in a temperate climate, this gendot chili can be treated annually, dying in winter and being replaced in the following spring. Gendol chilies, like other chilies, will produce throughout the year. As long as the conditions are good, the plant will produce fruit continuously and will produce good fruit if we care for it well.

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