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Red ginger is a rhizome plant that we often encounter around us and that can be used as a traditional medicinal plant or kitchen spice. Red ginger even contains gingerol and shogaol as antioxidants. Red ginger is also often used as a herbal medicine, especially in China, where the red ginger plant can overcome kidney disease. Red ginger originates from Asia and Africa and spreads from India to China; therefore, these two nations are said to be the first to use ginger, especially as an ingredient in cooking drinks and traditional medicines.

A.Systematics of red ginger plants

Division               : spermatophyte

Subdivision        : Angiosperms

Class                    : Monocotyledonae

Family                 : Zingiberaceae

Genus                  : Zingiber

Species                : Officinale

B.Morphology of red ginger plants

Red ginger plants have small, slender rhizomes, contain little water, are red or orange in color, and have a spicy taste. Red ginger plants are also commonly called sunti ginger plants. Ginger plants are plants with stems composed of round leaves that are pale green in color. The base of the stem is reddish. The ginger root is round, slender, fibrous, and white to light brown. The red ginger plant has compound flowers in the form of panicles appearing on the surface of the soil, in the shape of a stick or oval that is narrow and very sharp. The stem of the red ginger plant is small, round, and green in color. reddish and rather hard because it is covered by the leaf midrib. The height of the red ginger plant can reach 34.18–62.28 cm. The leaves of the red ginger plant are regularly alternated and even have a greener (darker) color. Ginger is a plant with stems. with a height of 30 cm to 1 m, ginger plants are usually harvested 3–4 months after planting, namely by loosening the soil first so that the red ginger plants are easy to remove and then clean from the remaining soil attached to the tubers of the red ginger plants.

C.Benefits of the red ginger plant and explanation

1). Maintain body endurance.

Red ginger can prevent disease by increasing the body’s resistance. Red ginger is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, so it can help prevent disease in the body.

2). Prevent digestive problems.

Red ginger can protect the digestive system from bacteria, so it can help prevent digestive problems such as stomach aches.

3).Reduce muscle and joint pain.

Red ginger can reduce pain in muscles and joints in soccer athletes, numb volleyball, and even soccer. Apart from that, red ginger is also believed to contain higher levels of oleoresin than other ginger, where oleosein can work as an inflammatory agent.

4). Improve sexual arousal

Red ginger is known as a traditional medicine that is often used to treat sexual disorders in men. Red ginger has an aphrodisiac effect; an aphrodisiac itself is a chemical substance used to stimulate sexual power by increasing and improving blood circulation in the body. If blood circulation can improve, then the possibility of blood flow in the lemin area also increases, and as a result, it is possible for men to have an erection.

5). Relieve headaches

Red ginger is a natural solution for dealing with headaches because it contains camphor, which has a spicy taste. Red ginger can also help warm the body and throat.


The red ginger plant controls the aging process because ginger has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.

D.How to cultivate red ginger plants for health

Grate 1.5 teaspoons of fresh ginger, then boil 4 glasses of water until boiling. After boiling, add the grated red ginger to the water. Let the ginger soak for 5 or 10 minutes. After it has been absorbed, strain the water to separate the grated ginger. After filtering, the ginger water can be drunk either cold or hot. hot.

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